Rocío Jiménez-Briones

Rocío Jiménez-Briones

is Lecturer at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), where she teaches semantics, grammar, and morphology of the English language. Her research interests revolve around the representation of lexico-semantic knowledge and the relationship between semantics and syntax in English and Spanish. She has lately focused on text analytics and the synergies between theoretical linguistics and NLP, disseminating her work at conferences and seminars in Spain and abroad, as well as in national and international journals and books. She has also worked as an abstract reviewer at international conferences and as a peer-reviewer for national and international journals. She has been Associate Editor at RESLA (Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics) and, to date, an active member in one Erasmus+ project and thirteen research projects, funded nationally and regionally, which, among others, have yielded the multipurpose knowledge base FunGramKB ( and the multi-modal crowdsensing-based system ALLEGRO (