Avelino Corral Esteban

Avelino Corral Esteban

works as a Lecturer in Linguistics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), where he teaches courses on syntax, historical linguistics, and information structure. His main areas of research cover the interaction between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics across languages, with a focus on Native American, Romance, Germanic, and Celtic languages. He has participated in research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK, and the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival in the USA, and he leads the Honóxease Project, whose aim is to foster the preservation and revitalization of the Cheyenne language. He also received the Phillips Fund grant for Native American Research and the Benjamin Franklin grant from the American Philosophical Society. He is the author of more than 30 publications.